14 - 06 - 2024
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enterprise capacity v4 6tbb

   As far as I’m concerned capacity always comes before performance because simply put the second is not really needed when you just want plenty of backup space (for example what good would it do if my media collection was stored on a 1TB SSD instead of a 1TB HDD?). Having both extremely high storage capacity and superior performance however is always welcome especially for large enterprises and so if someone asked me to describe the Seagate Enterprise Capacity 3.5 V4 6TB SATA III hard disk drive with just a couple of words I’d simply call it an HDD on steroids since it's clearly the fastest mechanical HDD model in our charts currently (especially in RAID tests). That being said the Enterprise Capacity 3.5 V4 6TB SATA III drive (and the V3 before it) is quite power hungry and in some cases up to twice as much when compared to other drives in the market but since its target audience is obviously enterprise users, professionals and enthusiasts this matters very little. The only other thing that really matters is reliability and although 1.4 million hours is not the highest one we've ever encountered it still is a very good number and roughly 50% more compared to regular HDDs.


   Enterprise class products offer superior performance and reliability compared to their regular consumer oriented counterparts but that always comes at a price so when you have the highest capacity and highest performing HDD in the market you don't need me to tell you that it costs quite a bit. To be more precise as we speak the Enterprise Capacity 3.5 V4 6TB SATA III HDD retails for USD539.99 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 535Euros inside the EU (Amazon.co.uk). Of course aside Seagate and HGST (Helium review soon) we also expect WD to enter the game with their 6TB HDD model really soon but since they seem to focus on the consumer market mostly chances are that it will not affect the price of the Enterprise Capacity 3.5 V4 6TB SATA III much. Long story short Seagate has once again shown the world that they can dominate the performance charts and that's more than enough for us to give them our Platinum Award.


- Enterprise Class Quality
- 1.4 Million Hours MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures)
- Top Of The Charts Performance
- 6TB's Capacity
- PowerChoice Technology
- Temperatures/Noise Levels
- 5 Years Warranty



- Price (For Some)