13 - 06 - 2024
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toshiba al13sxb60en 01t

Typically we received the AL13SXB60EN inside a regular static-free bag.



toshiba al13sxb60en 02t

Aside the fact that the AL13SXB60EN is quite thick (15mm) and heavy (230g) it's not much different than any other 2.5" HDD.



toshiba al13sxb60en 03t

The large sticker placed at the top of the drive lists the connectivity type, part and serial numbers and barcodes, firmware version, electrical specifications, factory rollout date and country of manufacture.



toshiba al13sxb60en 04t

As you can all see the PCB at the rear of the drive has all the modules on its interior for maximum protection.



toshiba al13sxb60en 05t

The typical SAS connector is placed at the rear along with 4 pins (probably used when flashing a new FW version onto the drive).