01 - 06 - 2024
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seagate st2000nx0253 01t

Once again our sample arrived inside a plastic clamshell case (bulk).



seagate st2000nx0253 02t

If it wasn't 15mm thick the Enterprise Capacity 2.5 HDD V3 2TB drive would look pretty much the same as any other 2.5" drive in the market.



seagate st2000nx0253 03t

The large sticker at the top includes various information about the drive such as its barcodes, serial number, model number, part number, factory rollout date (in this case it's September 11th 2014), electrical requirements and of course the PSID number and its 2D barcode.



seagate st2000nx0253 04t

A large PCB with all of the modules on the interior (according to Seagate the primary controller used is by LSI and the DRAM by Samsung) covers the entire bottom of the drive (not something we see often).



seagate st2000nx0253 05t

At the rear we see the usual SATA power and data connectors along with 4 pins.