14 - 06 - 2024
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deskstar 7k4000 001t

Hitachi GST ships their Deskstar 7K4000 line inside a medium sized box with a product image at the front, its main specifications (RPM/Cache/Connection) and a few words about it in 3 languages. This is also the first time I’ve received an HDD in retail packaging and not OEM so i was a bit surprised.



deskstar 7k4000 002t

The system compatibility along with a table showcasing the number of files types you can store in 4TB is present at the left side.




deskstar 7k4000 003t

The contents of the package along with a few words about the products are present at the right side again in 3 languages.



deskstar 7k4000 004t

At the rear we see a table listing some of the features found in the Deskstar 7K4000 in 9 languages.



deskstar 7k4000 005t

The drive is securely placed inside a moisture barrier bag and between two formed plastic spacers.



deskstar 7k4000 006t

A quickstart guide, an installation guide, a small bag with 4 mounting screws and the Deskstar 7K4000 are the things you will find inside the retail box.