01 - 06 - 2024
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istarusa bpn de340ss 04t

Our version of the BPN-DE340SS came in black with red bay covers, however iStarUSA also has versions available with black, blue and silver bay covers. Size-wise the BPN-DE340SS measures 145mm in length, 197.9mm in width and 125mm in height (3x5.25").



istarusa bpn de340ss 05t

All four bay doors are perforated and feature key locks for increased security.



istarusa bpn de340ss 06t

Right next to the locks we see the main power LED and 1 activity led for each drive.



istarusa bpn de340ss 07t

As already mentioned you just need to open the bay covers, slide the drive(s) in and close them.



istarusa bpn de340ss 08t

We tested the BPN-DE340SS both with SATA and SAS drives for compatibility without issues.



istarusa bpn de340ss 09t

The rear of the unit carries most of the weight in terms of features (naturally).



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The 80mm exhaust fan can be easily cleaned if you remove the cover as seen above.



istarusa bpn de340ss 12t

On the right side of the fan we see 4 SATA ports, 2 SATA power ports, the HDD LED on/off switch and the Low/High fan speed switch.