01 - 06 - 2024
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kingston fury ssd heatsink 2tb review 1t

Typically, the front of the box is taken by a product picture, the company logo and both the capacity and advertised performance of the drive.



Another product picture can be seen at the rear of the box (this time with the drive inside a PS5) right over a product description in many languages, Kingston contact information and a sticker with the serial number and barcodes.



Just the FURY Renegade M.2 NVMe drive is placed inside the box (with the heatsink the drive is 10.5mm thick - the interior of the box has the Acronis software serial printed on it).



A sticker on the other side of the heatsink contains information such as the capacity of the drive, several certifications and its serial number and barcode.



The PS5 compatible heatsink consists by 2 pieces held in place with 4 screws.



On the top side of the PCB, we find the E18 NAND flash controller by PHISON together with a single 1GB DDR4L SDRAM module and 4 3D TLC NAND flash modules.



Moving to the opposite side we find one more 1GB DDR4L SDRAM module and 4 more 176-layer 3D TLC NAND flash modules.