01 - 06 - 2024
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stream s06 s07 6tb review b

   It's been 6 years since i last checked an external hard drive from Silicon Power's Stream line and so I was very curious to see just how the new models would perform, always in comparison to the 4TB variant I reviewed back then. Well as you can clearly tell from the charts the Stream S06 6TB does outperform its 4TB brother in most tests but what really steals the show is the Stream S07 6TB since it’s among the 3 fastest models in the charts (and yes, quite faster than the Stream S06). Now it’s been a while since I’ve used an WD Blue HDD so this could be primarily due to the drive model used, whatever the case however benchmarks don’t lie and so the Stream S07 is clearly the best choice, at least in terms of read and write performance. Temperatures are low and almost identical for both drives so that’s far from the deciding factor (design however just could be).

   With everything that’s been happening lately availability for both the Stream S06 and S07 6TB models is limited at best so listing a price tag wouldn’t make much sense right now. Still one thing’s clear from today’s review, if you’re looking for the best possible performance and you’re able to find both the Stream S06 and S07 for around the same price tag then the latter is clearly recommended and that’s also why it deserves the Golden Award.


- Build Quality (S06/S07)
- Very Good Performance (S07)
- Carrying Handle (S06)
- Enclosure Design (S06/S07)
- 3 Year Limited Warranty (S06/S07)


- Current Availability