13 - 06 - 2024
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toshiba canvio desk 4tb 01t

The box of the Canvio Desk 4TB is painted black and red and has a large product picture at the front along with the company name, connectivity and available capacity.



toshiba canvio desk 4tb 02t

Two pictures of the product placed both vertically and horizontally are printed on the left side along with some of its main features.



toshiba canvio desk 4tb 03t

On the right side we see pretty much the same things as on the left one plus the contents of the bundle.



toshiba canvio desk 4tb 04t

A performance comparison between the Canvio Desk 4TB USB 3.0 HDD and a USB 2.0 HDD is placed at the rear of the box.



toshiba canvio desk 4tb 05t

Bundled along with the Canvio Desk 4TB are its power adapter, two tips (UK/EU), USB 3.0 cable, Warranty information and cards and the quick start guide.