01 - 06 - 2024
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lexar 1066 256gb play 512gb review b

   Before I continue with my thoughts about these two memory cards I need to point out that Lexar cards do a lot better overall when paired with their very own card readers so for my Lexar reviews I’ve always used the multi-card 2-in-1 USB 3.1 reader. Now I can’t begin to imagine why that is (compatibility issues or are they just better?) but if you are using Lexar cards (at least their latest models) and your card reader is not getting the expected performance I do recommend getting that model instead. With that out of the way there’s not much I can say about these cards that my charts do not. Both models hit their expected performance numbers (and then some, especially for the PLAY card) and that’s what really matters when testing storage media (durability too but that’s not something I can test, not reliably anyways).

   At the time of this review, you can get your hands on the 1066x SILVER SDXC memory card for 256GB for USD54.99/56.62Euros and the PLAY 512GB MicroSDXC memory card for USD69.99/71.09Euros so in terms of pricing both cards are doing extremely well. With that out of the way once again both cards deliver their advertised read & write performance numbers and for that they are both getting the Golden Award.


- Very Good Read & Write Performance (1066x)
- Very Good Read Performance (PLAY)
- Available Capacities (PLAY / 1TB)
- Limited Warranties (10 / 5 Years)
- Price (For Some)


- Card Reader Compatibility? (Perform Better With Lexar Ones)