13 - 06 - 2024
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lexar cfexpress type a gold 160gb review 1t

Just like with their previous models Lexar uses a small black box to ship the card in the front of which is taken by a product picture, their logo and the main product features.



A product description is printed at the rear in 10 languages and is placed just over contact information for Lexar.



Just the card is placed inside the box and i think it's worth pointing out that Type-A cards are smaller compared to Type-B and Type-C cards (20x28x2.8mm / 38.5x29.6x3.8mm / 54x74x4.8mm).



Along with their Professional Gold CFexpress Type-A card Lexar also send me their latest CFexpress Type-C and SD Card USB 3.2 Gen 2 card reader.



This card reader supports speeds of up to 1000MB/s (10Gbps) so it's obviously not as fast as their USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 model which can hit double that (still enough for Type-A cards).