01 - 06 - 2024
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prograde 512gb cfexpress type b gold review b

   ProGrade Digital may not be as popular as Lexar with the general public but their products are actually used by many professionals so I was very curious to see how their Gold 512GB CFexpress Type B 2.0 card would compare to Lexar’s Gold and Diamond class cards. By not using the exact same card reader this of course is not an 100% valid comparison but the results i did get for the most part placed the equivalent card by Lexar (Gold 256GB) clearly over the ProGrade Gold 512GB 2.0. Yes, the difference may not be massive between these two memory cards but it is there. On top of that ProGrade only covers their Gold line with a 3-year limited warranty which I have to admit doesn’t look as great as the limited lifetime one offered by Lexar (and others). So basically, what it all comes down to now is cost.

   Currently retailing for USD179.99 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 218.81Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de) the Gold 512GB CFexpress Type B 2.0 card by ProGrade Digital is priced extremely well and significantly lower compared to the equivalent model by Lexar (by roughly 35%). Yes, for many people performance and warranty may be more important than price but the ProGrade model does very well when it comes to read and write performance and that along with its very tempting price tag are certainly more than enough for the Golden Award.


- Very Good Performance (Up To 1700MB/s)
- Available Capacities (128/256/512GB/1TB)
- Price (For Some)


- 3 Year Limited Warranty (Compared To The Competition)