01 - 06 - 2024
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lexar cfexpress type b 2tb review b

   Even before the latest 2TB Professional GOLD CFexpress Type B card by Lexar arrived in the lab it was obvious that it’s strongest selling point was its capacity. Still performance is quite remarkable as well with the card being able to compete (and in some tests even surpass) the top-of-the-line DIAMOND models again by Lexar. Hopefully the 2TB DIAMOND model will push performance even further and why not even touch the 2000MB/s barrier. As with past models Lexar also covers the 2TB Professional GOLD CFexpress Type B card with a limited lifetime warranty for buyer peace of mind.

   The Lexar 2TB Professional GOLD CFexpress Type B card currently retails for USD599.99 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 666.25Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de) so it clearly doesn’t come cheap. Still, this is clearly a model aimed towards professionals using equipment far more expensive so at least to them this shouldn’t be a serious issue (if at all). All said and done the 2TB Professional GOLD CFexpress Type B card by Lexar delivers on both high performance and capacity and for that it deserves the Platinum Award.


- Impressive Performance (Up To 1900MB/s)
- Available Capacities (64
- Limited Lifetime Warranty


- Price (For Some)