14 - 06 - 2024
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toshiba canvio basics 4tb review b

   As clearly stated by its name the Canvio Basics is a rather basic portable HDD which does its job well. Read and write performance is very good and that combined with its somewhat large capacity of 4TB means it should be more than just enough for the majority of users. The enclosure may not be rugged but it’s quite compact and that’s something many people will obviously like (I’d prefer if it was rugged however). Finally, as mentioned earlier the MQ04UBB400 drive used once again by Toshiba may already count over 4 years in the market but it hasn’t stood out in a bad way and so that could mean it’s durable enough.

   With a retail price currently set at USD91.99 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and at 119.72Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de) the Canvio Basics 4TB Portable Storage by Toshiba is priced extremely well, especially on the other side of the Atlantic. Long story short the Canvio Basics may not impress but still it performs very well, it’s compact and offers good storage capacity which is why it gets the Golden Award.



- Overall Quality
TB Capacity
- Very Good Performance
- Compact
- Price (For Some)


- None