01 - 06 - 2024
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g drive usb 1tb 06t

The G-Drive Mobile USB features an aluminum enclosure and measures just 129mm in length, 83mm in width and 13mm in height with a weight of 162g.



g drive usb 1tb 07tg drive usb 1tb 08tAlthough quite smaller than other similar solutions the G-Drive Mobile USB can't really compete with the somewhat tiny STOR.E Slim by Toshiba.



g drive usb 1tb 09t

The silver G-Technology logo is placed at the top of the drive.



g drive usb 1tb 10t

Both the white activity LED and the USB 3.0 port are placed at the front.



g drive usb 1tb 11t

At the base of the enclosure we see two stickers with the serial number, barcode, electrical requirements and drive capacity.



g drive usb 1tb 12t

As mentioned earlier the G-Drive Mobile USB 1TB uses an HGST Travelstar 5K1000 2.5" SATA III HDD featuring a rotational speed of 5400RPM, two 500GB platters and 8MB cache.