13 - 06 - 2024
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armor a30 2tb 04t

The housing of the Armor A30 is made out of hard plastic and silicon and is available in black/orange and white/grey colors.



armor a30 2tb 05t

The wrap-around design is based on 4 silicon holders placed on the 3 sides of the A30.



armor a30 2tb 06t

A normal sized USB 3.0 port is placed at the front.



armor a30 2tb 07t

Printed at the rear are the model capacity, country of manufacture and several warning/certification logos.



armor a30 2tb 08t

The ST2000LM003 2.5" HDD model by Seagate/Samsung rotates at 5400RPM, has a total of 32MB Cache and is SATA III compatible.