01 - 06 - 2024
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The bundled carrying/storage case is quite thick and with enough room for just the diskAshur 2 drive.



Measuring 124mm in length, 84mm in width and 19mm in height/thickness the diskAshur 2 is quite compact.



To have a better understanding about its size we placed it right next to the A85 2TB PHD by Silicon Power.



The 13-key keypad is placed at the top of the enclosure right beneath three activity LEDs (lock status).



A USB cable is hardwired into the enclosure and stored on the left side.



Unfortunately the cable is rather short (roughly 120mm) and so we do hope iStorage either uses a longer one in future versions or provide an extension in the bundle.



At the base of the enclosure we find 4 small rubber feet and a sticker pointing to the encryption specifications of the product.



Under the hood of the diskAshur 2 1TB we find the Seagate ST1000LM035 Mobile HDD (SATA III/5400RPM/128MB Cache/7mm thick).