14 - 06 - 2024
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kingston datatraveler dt2000 review b

   The DataTraveler 2000 (DT2000) is nearly identical to the iStorage DatAshur PRO and the SECUREDATA SECUREUSB KP models so I ended up using the same methodology/software to try and gain access to data inside without luck. As I always point out in such reviews, I am not a hacker/cracker so my knowledge of these things is limited and honestly i have no reason to doubt all the security/safety certifications such drives get. In terms of performance due to the higher capacity (and probably new flash used) the DT2000 outperforms both drives and gets the 3rd spot in the charts right next to the K300 and the D300S models.

   Retailing for USD243.91 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 222.75Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de) at the time of this review the Kingston DataTraveler 2000 (DT2000) 128GB Encrypted Flash Drive is unfortunately set quite higher compared to its immediate competition by both iStorage and SECUREDATA. I can attribute this to the fact that this model was launched very recently but at the end of the day consumers and professionals will not care about the why or the how. However, there’s no doubt that the DT2000 128GB delivers in all areas, performance, security and capacity and that’s why it gets the Golden Award.


- Build Quality (IP57 Certified Aluminum Enclosure)
- PIN Authentication
- Security Measures (AES-XTS 256-bit Hardware Encryption/FIPS 140-2 Level 3/Epoxy Coated Interior/Brute Force Protection)
- Very Good Performance
- Available in 4/8/16/32/64/128GB
- 3 Year Warranty


- Price (For Some)
- Small Alphanumeric Keypad