01 - 06 - 2024
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maxh xtreme mx fx 32gbb

   One of the reasons i just love performing storage related reviews (aside being quite fast to do) is that in the end there's really not much for me to say since all of the performance charts do that for me instead. So what we see here is a USB 3.0 flash drive which is easily one of the 3 fastest ones we've tested/used to date and that alone is enough to come to a conclusion especially for people such as professionals and enthusiasts who just want and/or need the best possible R/W speeds. Size could be an issue with the MX-FX drive but fortunately for us MX-Technology made it very thin to counteract its length and width so it can fit pretty much everywhere. The only issue some people may encounter is when plugging the MX-FX drive in one of the rear USB ports while other USB devices are also plugged into other ports around it, there you just might have a small problem due to the width of the unit but nothing that can't be resolved simply by removing one of the other USB plugs (or by using one of the front ports).


   Price always plays a huge part in deciding what people can or can't get but with a current price set at 38.90Euros inside the EU (Caseking.de) i really can't find a reason as to why someone would choose a much slower USB Flash Drive (or just not equally fast). True you can find quite a few 64GB USB 3.0 Flash Drives in the market at around the same price tag but certainly not as fast and not as great looking as the MX-FX by MX-Technology something which in the end that matters very much with everything that you carry along with you. In the end the choice comes down to personal preference but based on its speed, looks and price tag the MX-FX 32GB USB 3.0 Flash Drive by MX-Technology walks away with our Platinum Award.


- Build Quality
- Superior Performance
- Design
- Thin
- Price (For Some)




- Width (Rear USB Port Issue)