13 - 06 - 2024
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blaze b20 32gb 01tblaze b20 32gb 02t
The typical package is once again used here so you can take a look at the drive prior to purchasing it. The main features along with the capacity of the drive at hand are also placed at the front while at the rear Silicon Power talks about the performance of the drive in 10 languages.



blaze b20 32gb 03t

At just 55mm in length, 20mm in width and 8.6mm in thickness the Blaze B20 is without doubt one of the smallest USB 3.0 based USB flash drives we've ever used (to date).



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As always to get the idea on just how large the USB flash drive at hand is we placed it next to some of the previously reviewed drives.



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Although there's not a lanyard in the package the drive does have a lanyard area right next to the printed capacity space.



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The retractable USB connector can be extended and retracted by using a large switch placed at the rear.




Silicon Power also has available their SP Widget software from their download section (showcased in several previous SP reviews) along with their drive recovery toolkit (for both USB 2.0/3.0 drives).