01 - 06 - 2024
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jewel j06 64gb 01tjewel j06 64gb 02t
As usual the drive arrived inside a regular package which allows you to check it from the front and has the features list and OS compatibility list at the rear.



jewel j06 64gb 03t

The 24mm long, 16mm wide and 8.5mm thick Jewel J06 USB flash drive was the only thing inside the package.



jewel j06 64gb 04tjewel j06 64gb 05t
So how large is the J06? Well as you can clearly tell it's perhaps the smallest USB 3.0 compatible flash drive we've ever received.



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A 2D barcode is present at the rear of the drive.



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There's also plenty of room to attach the drive onto a lanyard or your keychain.



jewel j06 64gb 08t

The USB plug is protected by a large cap as you can see from the above picture (the cap is actually more than half the size of the drive.



jewel j06 64gb 09t

A unique serial/part number is engraved at the rear of the USB plug.