13 - 06 - 2024
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kingston microduo 64gbb

   When we heard that Kingston was going to release a new version of the microDuo line of OTG USB flash drives we more or less knew that ment better read & write speeds but not really something to excite over. Unfortunately the very small size of such flash drives along with the need for a 2nd micro SD connector reduce the available space manufacturers can use so it wasn't really a surprise to see that the microDuo 3.0 64GB OTG USB flash drive fell behind most USB 3.0 compatible models in our charts. However we do need to keep in mind that OTG drives haven't been long in the market and that goes double for USB 3.0 compatible models so we do expect to see even better performance levels in the future. Quality-wise the new microDuo 3.0 line scores high but I’d still prefer a more rugged housing since on one hand the full sized USB connector is exposed at all times while the plastic cap used to protect the micro USB connector is far from what I’d call durable.

   Pricing is perhaps where the DataTraveler microDuo 3.0 64GB OTG USB flash drive by Kingston excels most since currently it currently retails for just USD29.50 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 28Euros inside the EU (Amazon.co.uk). Of course it goes without saying that if you just want a tiny USB 3.0 flash drive and you care not about using it with a smartphone or a tablet then you can find faster and more durable models in the market currently at around the same price point. However if you want a tiny USB 3.0 flash drive for use with your smartphone and/or tablet the DataTraveler microDuo 3.0 64GB OTG USB flash drive by Kington is amongst your best choices as we speak which is also why it gets our Golden Award.



- Build Quality
- Size & Weight
- Performance Levels
- Design
- Dual Connectors (USB & Micro USB)
- 5 Years Warranty
- Price (For Some) 



- Would Like A More Rugged Housing