01 - 06 - 2024
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mushkin impact 256gbb

   There’s no denying that USB flash drives have come a long way even compared to the very first (and not so old) USB 3.0 models which could hardly break the 80MB/s read mark. Of course with performance levels that now can even compete with those of regular sized SSDs the real question is just how many consumers out there actually need and can make serious use of such drives. In the end however why get a slower USB flash drive when you can get a blazing fast one like the IMPACT 256GB? In the end it all boils down to price so let’s see what Mushkin asks for the IMPACT 256GB USB 3.0 Flash Drive.

   While I type these lines the IMPACT 256GB USB 3.0 Flash Drive by Mushkin retails for just USD88.06 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 97.56Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de) a price tag which currently places it among the lowest cost 256GB UFDs in the market. Overall we simply can’t find anything wrong with the IMPACT 256GB UFD. Certainly as you can see from our charts it’s not the fastest UFD in the market (take the T1 and the T3 SSDs by Samsung for example) but nothing can beat its price/performance/capacity ratio and for that it gets our Platinum Award.



- Build Quality (Aluminum Enclosure)
- Top Of The Charts Performance
- 256GB
- Overall Size & Weight
- Price/Performance Ratio



- None