13 - 06 - 2024
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kingston dt micro 128gbb

   The DataTraveler Micro 3.1 USB 3.1 Gen.1 128GB flash drive may not be fast but as it turns out our suspicions were right on since in our tests we recorded read speeds as high as 144.9MB/s and write speeds as high as 20MB/s. Agreed these numbers are nowhere near as the ones we see most of the time from USB 3.0/3.1 Gen.1 flash drives like the recently reviewed Impact by Mushkin or the HyperX Savage again by Kingston but as also mentioned earlier such tiny enclosures simply can’t accommodate the needed components to achieve such performance (at least not as we speak). Speaking of tiny well not much to say there since the 3g heavy metal enclosure (zinc alloy?) takes very little space when placed with your keys and is also very durable.

   So what about price? Well as we speak the DataTraveler Micro 3.1 USB 3.1 Gen.1 128GB flash drive retails for USD107.48 inside the EU (Newegg.com) and 62.82Euros inside the EU (Amazon.co.uk). Inside the EU pricing is actually quite good for a 128GB USB 3.1 Gen 1 flash drive but it’s obvious that the same doesn’t apply for the USA since we all feel a significant price cut is in order. Overall the DataTraveler Micro 3.1 USB 3.1 Gen.1 line is the ideal choice for people looking for a tiny USB flash drive to carry around with them with quite good read performance and plenty of storage and it’s certainly worth our Golden Award.



- Build Quality
- Tiny Size
- 3g Weight
- 128GB
- Design
- 5 Year Warranty
- Price (EU)



- Price (USA)