01 - 06 - 2024
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supersonic magnum 2 01t

The drive gets shipped inside a typical package that has a clear plastic section at the front from where you can check it out.



supersonic magnum 2 02t

All of the features are printed at the rear in three languages.



supersonic magnum 2 03t

We found no lanyard in the package just the 71.8mm long, 26.9mm wide and 9.1mm thick SuperSonic Magnum 2 drive.



supersonic magnum 2 04tsupersonic magnum 2 05tAs you can all see the SuperSonic Magnum 2 is not small and is actually the 2nd largest USB flash drive we have here currently.



supersonic magnum 2 06t

A lanyard opening is placed right next to the printed capacity of the drive.



supersonic magnum 2 07t

The company logo and URL are both printed on the other side.



supersonic magnum 2 08t

Patriot has used the typical removable cap design for the SuperSonic Magnum 2 line so when used you can mount the protective cap at the rear.