14 - 06 - 2024
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transmemory u363 u364 128gb 1t

Both USB 3.0 flash drives are sold in regular blister packages that have their capacity, read speed and aimed usage showcased at the front as seen above.



The 5 years "premium" warranty is printed at the rear of the package along with the OS compatibility, serial number and barcode, 2D barcode and product information in several languages.



The 6g heavy U363 drive measures 39mm in length, 12.2mm in width and 4.5mm in thickness while the 3g heavy U364 measures just 16.8mm in length, 15.2mm in width and 6.8mm in thickness (both have their capacities printed at their top as seen above).



Several certifications and the country of origin are printed at the rear.



Only the U363 features a lanyard opening at the rear.



As usual we placed the drives at hand next to several of the ones we use in the lab to showcase their size (tiny size in this case).