01 - 06 - 2024
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thrustmaster tflight kit x review b

   Even though my two very first flight sticks were the Top Gun and Top Gun Afterburner II models (again by Thrustmaster) i have to admit that i later turned towards Saitek and their X52 and X52 Pro models followed by the X-55 and X-65F both of which clearly introduced a whole new level of build quality and innovation (if i recall correctly the X-65F was based on the F-22 stick and throttle). Unfortunately, ever since Saitek closed its doors many years back (was acquired by Logitech) Thrustmaster was the only name left the flight and space simulator community could rely upon for such products (other manufacturers have since joined but are clearly not as popular). The T.Flight Full Kit X may not be the top such product in the Thrustmaster lineup (the Warthog Hotas is – review soon) and as mentioned earlier it’s based on older designs (minus the TFRP rudder system of course) but it’s still a good overall choice for people who don’t want to go overboard in terms of budget. The stick is honestly not quite as accurate as my old X65F (which makes sense since the X65F alone used to retail for over twice as much as the entire T.Flight Full Kit X does) so it does need some more getting used to but the throttle works well and as for the TFRP rudder system well it’s actually very good at what it does (still tension adjustment would be nice to have). Build quality is good, not stellar by any means but more than enough for the vast majority of consumers out there (Thrustmaster obviously had to think about final cost so cutting some corners was expected). The cord that connects the stick to the throttle is long enough for even the largest keyboards (perhaps not ergonomic ones) but it would be great if Thrustmaster had used a longer one, better have more length and not need it than need it and not have it.

   Thrustmaster has indeed done a great job when it comes to pricing since the T.Flight Full Kit X currently retails for just USD199.99 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 169.99Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de). All said and done the T.Flight Full Kit X is a complete, yet affordable product for people looking to enjoy all the current and upcoming flight and space simulators without breaking the bank and since it does work as advertised and ticks most boxes it gets the Golden Award.


- Good Build Quality
- Good Accuracy / Precision
- 15 Available Buttons
- Single Or Two Pieces HOTAS
- TFRP Rudder System
- XBOX & PC Compatibility
- Price (For Some)


- Accuracy / Precision (Could Be Better)
- No Tension Adjustment (Throttle / Rudders)
- Stick Throttle Cord Length (For Some)