13 - 06 - 2024
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The dual-throttle piece is also primarily made out of metal, weighs just over 3Kg and measures 154mm in length and 269mm in width.



Thrustmaster also states that this is a replica of the A-10C HOTAS and also has a small piece of metal with a member ID on it.



At the rear end of the dual-throttle base we find three metal switches and a button.



On the right side we find another button right next to yet another switch and the throttle friction control.



Moving forward we find 4 extra switches and a friction intensity roller.



A metal switch with a plastic top is located on the left side of the base.



As for the dual-throttle pieces themselves the left piece has a single switch on the left side whereas the right piece has a 4-way hat with push button and 3 metal switches with plastic and metal covers.



Moving at the front the left piece has a push button and the locking system while the right side has a mouse hat with push button and 3D magnetic sensor, push button and an 8-way hat.



The locking mechanism can come in handy in scenarios where you need to use but one of the engines (the A-10C can effectively fly with just one if its two General Electric TF34-GE-100 turbofans - not all aircraft can however).



It's no secret that to date my favourite HOTAS has been the X-65F by Saitek so i thought it would be nice to compare its size to that of the HOTAS Warthog.