13 - 06 - 2024
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Thanks to the black anodized aluminum of the base and the CNC machined pedal arms the 457mm long, 212mm wide and 256mm tall Forte Brake & Throttle pedals look great (in the above picture you can also see the all-black anodized aluminum pedal plates).



Asetek SimSports has placed their logo next to the RGB LED bar.



The M.L.C.P.C. (Mechanical Load Cell Powered Cylinder) design of the brake pedal may not be quite as realistic as full hydraulic systems but according to its specs it should come really close.



Orange painted parts are adjustable including the pedal stops shown above.



Both pedal arms are designed to accept forces up to 200kg (burst pressure up to 700kg).



The throttle pedal end stop can also be adjusted and yes i do recommend tweaking every stop since that alone could further optimize your experience.



Hardness is fully adjustable (gain access by removing the orange parts shown above) and to that end Asetek SimSports provides the end user with a total of three interchangeable elastomers for the brake pedal and two interchangeable springs for the throttle pedal.



The USB-C port is placed at the top front as seen above.



At the base of the Forte pedals, we find 4 mounting screws and a cable which can be used to add the extra clutch pedal.



It may seem as a bit too much to some people but the RGB LED bar looks very nice.



The Invicta Sim Racing Boots by Asetek SimSports is the ideal companion regardless of which pedals you're using and so we got two pairs in the lab to check out.