01 - 06 - 2024
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arozzi arena gaming desk 10t

Let's start the assembly by taking a look at the powder coated legs of the Arena Gaming Desk (quite sturdy and heavy).



arozzi arena gaming desk 11t 

A metal sticker with the Arozzi logo is placed on the exterior of both legs.



arozzi arena gaming desk 12t

Before you mount the feet you will need to release the tubes inside the legs (via the two Allen screws placed on the sides) take them out and align them with the feet (otherwise you will get the above result).



arozzi arena gaming desk 13t

Both feet attach to the legs via a total of 8 Allen screws (4 each).



arozzi arena gaming desk 14t

Next are the 4 long rails which are held together with two shorter ones.



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The shorter rails get attached to the longer ones with a total of 8 Allen screws (4 on each side). Just make sure you align them correctly.



arozzi arena gaming desk 16t

Here we have both the front and rear rails ready to be mounted on the legs.



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Each of the rails attaches to each of the legs with a total of 4 Allen screws (2 on each end as seen above).



arozzi arena gaming desk 18t

Once the frame is complete you will need to either place it someplace where you can get underneath and attach the MDF boards or place the MDF boards on the ground and place the frame on them by inverting it (we did the first).



arozzi arena gaming desk 19t

This is how the Arena Gaming Desk looks like with the 20mm thick MDF boards attached (also notice the cable management holes at the front of each board).



arozzi arena gaming desk 20tarozzi arena gaming desk 21t
Once that's over with you will need to mount the 6 screws beneath each MDF board and the two legs on which you will hang the cloth net.



arozzi arena gaming desk 22t

The cloth net is far from perfect since heavy cables may not be hidden easily, overall however it does help.



arozzi arena gaming desk 23t

Last thing on the list is to place the 5mm thick mouse pad ontop of the three MDF boards (looks nice doesn't it?).