14 - 06 - 2024
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terra master td2 thunderbolt 3 review b

   It's been 3 years since Terra Master send anything over so i have to admit that i had lost track of what they've been up to. Once however i learned that they started focusing on DAS (direct attach storage) models with TB3 i decided to get in touch with them so the D2/TD2 should be the first of many more Terra Master DAS reviews to come. Moving to performance as you can clearly see from our charts the D2/TD2 can surpass 500MB/s in RAID 0 even with two mechanical drives and that’s nothing I’ve seen to date from any of the external enclosures i’ve tested (do keep in mind two things however, first the D2/TD2 is the first TB3 DAS i’ve tested – to date only TB3 NAS models have made it here - and second that the IronWolf drives are slightly faster compared to the ES.3 i used for past reviews). The low noise levels are also very important for an external enclosure which you will have placed near you as is the build quality since aluminum looks great, is not easy to scratch and helps with interior temperatures.

   The D2/TD2 Thunderbolt 3 RAID DAS by TerraMaster currently retails for USD249.99 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 259.99Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de) a price tag which is normal for such a product. Of course, the 2 bays of the D2/TD2 might not be enough for many professionals so if you need more you can always check the 4/5/8 bay models offered by TerraMaster (I’ll try to get some of those here to also see what performance you can expect from them). Overall, the D2/TD2 has it all, it’s very fast (even with regular mechanical drives you can exceed 500MB/s), build quality is very good, noise levels are very low and the available connectors allow you to even connect two 4k (or a single 5k) monitors to it. So, because of all of the above the TerraMaster D2/TD2 Thunderbolt 3 RAID DAS is well worth our Golden Award.


- Very Good Build Quality (Aluminum Enclosure)
- Top Of The Charts Performance
- Hardware Drive Mode Selection (Single/JBOD/RAID 0/RAID 1)
- Thunderbolt 3 (Daisy Chain Feature)
- Low Noise Levels
- Top Handle


- Plastic Trays