15 - 06 - 2024
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patriot gauntlet 07t

Size-wise the Gauntlet Node is quite small measuring just 139mm in length, 24.4mm in height and 86.2mm in width.



patriot gauntlet 12t

We placed the Gauntlet Node right next to an 2.5" HDD to show everyone just how small it is.



patriot gauntlet 08t

At the top of the drive we see 3 activity LEDs, one for the battery (when it needs to be recharged), one for the WiFi (whether it's on/off) and one for the power (On/Off).



patriot gauntlet 09t

The USB 3.0 host port, power on/off button and the DC power input are all placed at the right side.



patriot gauntlet 10t

A very convenient battery life meter is placed at the front of the device.



patriot gauntlet 11t

The product serial number, barcode and MAC address are placed on a small sticker on the belly of the device.



patriot gauntlet 13t

The Gauntlet Node opens very easily, just slide the base towards the front and that's it (until you secure it with screws).



patriot gauntlet 14t

To install the HDD/SSD you just need to use the screws and the rubber covers found in the bundle.



patriot gauntlet 15t

When you turn the Gauntlet Node on the WiFi turns on as well (unless it detects a USB connection).