01 - 06 - 2024
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raidsonic ib rd3680su3 07t

The ICY BOX IB-RD3680SU3 is made primarily by aluminum and hard plastic and measures 352mm in height, 253mm in depth and 155mm in width.



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The brand name is placed on both sides of the enclosure.



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Taking a look at the front we see a plastic door and the control panel.



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Here we see the on/off button, Activity/Status LEDs, RAID mode control button and the fan speed control button (there’s also a long blue/red LED HDD activity stripe that starts from the power button).



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A small round lock is placed at the front of the door.



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Right beneath the door we see a small sticker with the RAID word on it (although not really needed).



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Opening the door reveals two aluminum covers (one for each cage) which are kept in place with fixed thumbscrews.



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Each drive bay has an activity LED right next to it.



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The brackets for the drives are mounted at the front as you can see from the above picture.



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Moving at the rear we see the two 80mm fans, RAID selection button, eSATA port and the USB 3.0 port.



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Unfortunately we don't have eight 3.5" to use the enclosure with (not identical anyways) but our 6 Seagate Constellation ES.3 4TB SATA III drives should do the trick.