01 - 06 - 2024
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THE D5-300











terra master d5 300 5t The enclosure of the D5-300 is made out of aluminum and is currently available in silver color. In terms of size the D5-300 measures 227mm in depth, 225mm in width and 136mm in height and weighs 2.16Kg (without any drives).



terra master d5 300 6t

TerraMaster has printed their logo on both sides of the enclosure.



terra master d5 300 7t

With a total of 5 drive trays you can currently store up to 50TB of data in the D5-300.



terra master d5 300 8t

The power on/off button and LED are placed at the front of the enclosure right beneath 5 HDD activity LEDs (this small panel is made out of plastic and not aluminum).



terra master d5 300 9t

Unfortunately the drive trays are also made out of plastic and not aluminum as the rest of the enclosure (still they are quite sturdy).



terra master d5 300 10t

Turning the enclosure around the two 80mm exhaust fans are certainly not something we see a lot with 4/5 bay enclosures (they are quite silent too).



 terra master d5 300 11t

At the rear we also see the Type-C USB 3.0 connector and the DC in.



terra master d5 300 12t

The D5-300 sits ontop 5 rubber feet and is perforated at the base.