14 - 06 - 2024
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The 2.4GHz wireless transmitter/receiver bundled with the Arctis Pro is almost identical to that bundled with the H Wireless model and so its sides are also made out of glossy plastic (dust magnet).



At the front we find a clickable control knob and a small round button next to it (both can be used to navigate the various OLED screens).



A small hatch located on the right side is used to recharge the extra battery while you're using the other one to power the headset.



At the rear we find the analog audio in/out ports, DC power port, mini USB port and the digital optical audio in/out.



Most of the base features a rubber pad which ensures the transmitter stays where you put it.



The very first time you turn on the 2.4GHz transmitter/receiver you will need to choose the source you have it connected with as seen above.



After that you can use it to adjust volume levels, configure various features (like Chatmix, Equalizer, Virtual Surround and Soundtone), set the OLED screen and microphone mute LED brightness levels, enable/disable volume limiter, adjust the auto-off feature, reset the device and more.