13 - 06 - 2024
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Just like the "original" Arctis 3 the Arctis 3 Bluetooth is a medium sized headset that weighs roughly 320g.



Thanks to the suspension headband even though the Arctis 3 Bluetooth may not be as small as some of its competition it's actually very comfortable.



SteelSeries has placed their name on the lower exterior end of both earcups.



The retractable bidirectional noise-cancelling microphone is located on the lower front of the left earcup.



As with previous models this microphone is not one of the best we've used in a headset (always in terms of audio quality) but it's also very flexible.



Next to the microphone we find the USB charging port, 3.5mm "sharing" port (you can share what you're listening to with another headset) and the 4 pole cable port (gold plated).



The volume control roller is placed at the rear of the left earcup just next to the microphone mute button.



At the rear of the right earcup we find the bluetooth on/off button (it's also the activity LED).



Both earcups can rotate 90 degrees thus making it easier for you to store the headset.



The medium sized earpads are once again very comfortable largely thanks to their good amount of padding and the patented airweave fabric covers.



From the factory the Arctis 3 Bluetooth (2019 version) feature an all-black headband but you can get more colors and designs directly from SteelSeries.