01 - 06 - 2024
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THE B1000R







For the B1000R ABKONCORE has primarily used plastic, aluminum and faux leather.



As for size it's clear that the B1000R is a medium sized headset.



On the exterior of both earcups we find brushed aluminum covers and RGB LED rings.



The retractable microphone is very flexible and has a white LED at the front which lights up when the microphone is on.



The earcups of the B1000R can rotate up to 90 degrees for easier storing.



ABKONCORE has also equipped the B1000R with thick earpads (not the softest nor the largest we've seen but they proved to be quite comfortable).



The 5 small headpads used may also not be the softest one we've ever seen but they also were very comfortable during our tests.



The headband of the B1000R extends a total of 37mm per side via 8 increments (not visible ones).



Typically, the company logo is engraved on the exterior of the headband as seen above.



From the somewhat large in-line controller you can increase/decrease the master volume, mute the microphone, enable/disable the RGB LEDs and increase/decrease the volume levels of each of the drivers.



At the end of the 1.9 meter long rubber cable ABKONCORE has placed a gold plated USB plug.