15 - 06 - 2024
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The new HS60 Pro is made out of plastic, metal and PU leather.



In terms of size once again we're talking about a medium sized headset.



Metal grills with the CORSAIR logo on them are once again placed on the exterior of both earcups.



The microphone 3.5mm port is placed on the lower front of the left earcup and as for the microphone itself as you can see it's very flexible.



At the rear of the left earcup we find the volume control knob and the mute button for the microphone.



Typically, left and right markings are placed on the interior of the headset just over both earcups.



Both earcups have good range of motion for increased comfort even after long hours of use.



These earpads are filled with memory foam and are dressed with PU leather.



The headband in this model features a black PU leather cover with white stiches (the Yellow version model has yellow stitches).



Each side of the headset can extend up to 25mm (50mm total) via 8 visible increments.



The 1.8 meter long braided cable (the HS60 came with a regular rubber cable) has a gold plated 3.5mm mini jack plug at its end.



The USB sound card/adapter only has a 3.5mm port at the front and the CORSAIR logo at the top.