01 - 06 - 2024
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The Cloud Stinger Core Wireless+ 7.1 is made primarily by plastic, steel and plastic and weighs just 244g.



In terms of size we're clearly talking about a medium sized model.



HyperX has printed their logo on the exterior of both earcups.



The noise-cancelling unidirectional microphone is not only flexible but can be muted just by pulling it upwards.



At the base of the left earcup we find the USB-C charging port, volume control roller, on/off button and an activity LED.



As usual left and right markings are located on the interior just over the earpads.



HyperX has used synthetic fabric to dress the large earpads and the same of course applies for the headpad.



Once again, the company name/logo is engraved on the exterior of the headband.



Each side of the headband can extend up to roughly 35mm (70mm total) via 12 increments (8 visible ones).



The 2.4GHz USB dongle (probably also the 7.1 surround sound card) is the size of a large flash drive and just has an activity LED at the top.