01 - 06 - 2024
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epos gsp 602 review b

   The GSP 602 by EPOS | Sennheiser may not be a 7.1 virtual surround headset (some gamers may prefer 7.1/3D surround sound) but its dual stereo drivers do a great job delivering crisp and accurate audio with a sufficient amount of bass (at least for most people) and loud volume levels. Comfort is also set at high levels (I think it would be even higher if the earpads were dressed with soft fabric instead of leatherette) and even though I've heard from some of you that the tension sliders found in EPOS/Sennheiser models don't make a whole lot of difference (actually i partially agree with that) even the tiniest difference on your head can result in improved audio isolation (and i truly think the GSP models excel at that). The microphone also works fine but as expected far from perfect just like with the majority of headsets out in the market today, especially gaming ones (still should be more than just sufficient for most if not all uses). As for the inability to use the EPOS audio suite to fine-tune the GSP 602 well that’s something i clearly would like to see in the future (for now that can only be used with USB wireless models).

   At the time of this review, you can find your very own GSP 602 by EPOS | Sennheiser for USD219 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 219Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de) a price tag which is just a tag higher than expected (you can still opt for the black and red GSP 600 model if that’s the case which retails for less). Still if we leave out the lack of virtual surround sound (which some may or may not find important) the EPOS | Sennheiser GSP 602 clearly delivers on pretty much everything any demanding gamer could ever ask from a gaming headset whether that’s audio performance, comfort and material quality which is why it deserves the Golden Award.


- Very Good Build Quality
- Clear & Accurate Mids & Highs
- Bass Levels
- Comfortable (Split Padded Headband / Tension Sliders /
Metal Hinges /
Memory Foam Earpads)
- Flexible Unidirectional Boom Microphone
- Detachable Cable
- Available in 3 Color Combinations (GSP 600/601/602)


- Price (For Some)
- Lack Of Virtual Surround Sound (For Some)