13 - 06 - 2024
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epos h3 hybrid review 6t

The EPOS H3 Hybrid is made out of plastic, stainless steel, leatherette, fabric and memory foam and weighs just 298g (278g without the boom microphone).



As for size we're talking about a rather medium sized gaming headset almost identical to the H3.



Typically, EPOS has placed both their name and logo on both sides of the headset as seen above.



The drop-down bi-directional boom microphone has a rubber section right in the middle which gives it a relatively good degree of flexibility.



As mentioned earlier you can remove the boom microphone by pulling it out and replacing it with the bundled plastic cap as seen above.



The on/off power button is located Infront of the left earcup while the USB-C port is located at the base and the 3.5mm port at the rear.



The volume control roller/knob is located on the exterior of the right earcup just in front of the Bluetooth button and the 3 LED battery indicator.



Using a dual axis hinge system doesn't only improve comfort levels, it also makes the headset more "compatible" with different head and ear shapes.



Once again instead of using leatherette for the entire earpad (these are detachable and can be replaced) EPOS used a far softer material for the front section.



Unlike the "regular" H3 only the interior headpad of the H3 Hybrid is made out of leatherette, the rest is made by fabric.



The stainless-steel slider can extend up to 41mm on both sides (82mm total) via 10 visible increments.