01 - 06 - 2024
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steelseries arctis 7b

   When SteelSeries send us the Arctic 7 roughly 2 months ago the very first thing i did was to check consumer opinion and the vast majority had very good things to say about it. As a matter of fact i was particularly impressed to read that some consumers (even some reviewers) considered the Arctis 7 to be the best wireless gaming headset in the market today so that peaked my interest even more. So after testing the Arctis 7 for over a month do we believe it's the best Wireless Gaming Headset in the market today? Well it really depends on what you plan on using it with. If your goal is to get a very good wireless headset for your PC then the answer is very close to that. You see you can only use the DTS Headphone X feature with a PC since that's where the Engine 3 software supports it (strangely enough the MAC version does not). Now it doesn't make a huge impact on your experience when playing games, watching movies or listening to music but it does add just enough to make the Arctis 7 stand out from the rest of the crowd. Not only does it improve surround sound to a point where it "tricks" you into thinking that the headset has more than just 2 drivers (left and right) but it also slightly enhances mids, highs and bass and produces a more accurate soundstage. That being said if you want to use the Arctis 7 with a MAC, console or any 3.5mm analog device (and with those you lose the wireless feature) things are not nearly as impressive so for such use the Arctis 7 is probably far from the best choice out there. Moving to battery life SteelSeries claims the Arctis 7 can give you up to 15 full hours of playback but once again that largely depends on the volume levels you use so although during our tests we were unable to surpass the 13 hour mark we believe that they are right on the spot. As for wireless range well we were able to use the Arctis 7 from the next room with a concrete wall placed in between but that's just about it since we were unable to go to another room and still use it. Of course i see no reason for any gamer to use the Arctis 7 from 2 rooms away so we're quite satisfied with those results.

   Right now the Arctis 7 Lag-Free Wireless Gaming Headset will set you back no less than USD149.99 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and 151Euros inside the EU (Amazon.co.uk) and although it's nowhere near as affordable as the Arctis 3 we feel it's worth every cent. Of course this is only if you plan on using it with a PC cause if not and you end up missing on all the extra features offered by the Engine 3 software you just might be better off with something else. That being said SteelSeries has indeed designed and manufactured one of the top wireless gaming headsets currently available for the PC and for that the Arctis 7 deserves our Golden Award.


- Very Good Build Quality
- Design (Available In Black & White)
- Very Comfortable
- Audio Quality
- Positioning Audio Via DTS Headphone X
- Wireless Range
- Battery Life (15 Hours)
- USB & 3.5mm Ports
- Engine 3 Software


- Price (For Some)
- DTS Headphone X Only Available For PC