01 - 06 - 2024
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thunderx3 ah7 hex 1t

Our sample arrived inside a black box (beaten up too so don't pay much attention to that detail) that has a product picture at the front right beneath the company logo and above its main features.



Three pictures placed on the left side are used to showcase some of its features.



On the right side of the box ThunderX3 has placed the complete specifications of the product.



All of the features are listed at the rear of the box in 12 different languages and right beneath a product picture.



The front of the box opens up to reveal the AH7 HEX Gaming Headset and a few words about it.



Inside the box you will find the AH7 HEX Gaming Headset with its detachable microphone, two extra ear cushions, two stickers, warranty card and the user manual.