14 - 06 - 2024
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The 300g heavy CLOUD Flight is primarily made out of hard plastic and it doesn’t really stand out much as its predecessors.



In terms of design the CLOUD Flight is quite simple but that's not a bad thing for everyone.



HyperX has placed their logo on the exterior of both earcups (illuminated) and as you can see you can press the left earcup to mute the boom microphone.



Left and right markings are placed just over both earcups (the red cables are a nice touch).



At the base of the left earcup we find the 3.5mm boom microphone port along with the micro USB charging port and the 3.5mm audio input port.



The on/off power button is placed at the rear of the left earcup.



A small volume control knob is placed at the rear of the right earcup.



As expected the detachable boom microphone is quite flexible.



Once again HyperX has used PU leather and a good amount of memory foam for the earpads.



Both earcups can rotate up to 90 degrees for easier storage or transport in your bag.



The memory foam headpad is also dressed with PU leather.



Each of the two sides of the headband can extend up to 37mm via 11 visible increments.



HyperX has placed their logo on the exterior side of the headband.



The 2.4GHz USB transmitter/receiver is more or less the size of a USB flash drive.