13 - 06 - 2024
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elgato stream deck xl b

   When we reviewed the Stream Deck Mini last year, we were impressed not only by the number of actions one could perform at the click of one of its keys (single/multiple) but also because of how its keys looked (we actually enjoyed using it so much that it found a permanent spot in our lab). Back then however we also made several recommendations to Elgato in regard to them adding extra actions and by testing the Stream Deck XL we realized that they’ve already implemented some of them. Of course, the entire Stream Deck line (XL, regular and Mini) is still primarily aimed towards streamers since the vast majority of commands are tailored for use by them but if Elgato further expands on that number (mainly to include support for in-game commands and gaming peripherals) this may change really soon. Getting back to the Stream Deck XL we really have no complaints from Elgato, however do keep in mind that 32 keys might just be too much for some people in which case the regular Stream Deck or even the Stream Deck Mini might still be better choices (they do cost less after all).

   Elgato launched the Stream Deck XL on the 28th of last month (just over a week ago) and it currently retails for USD249.95 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 249.95Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de) a price tag that puts it roughly 60% over the first Stream Deck and 150% over the Stream Deck Mini. This may seem as a very large price increase/premium but considering that the Stream Deck XL offers over twice as many LCD keys compared to the Stream Deck and over 4 times as many LCD keys as the Stream Deck Mini it’s actually not. Bottom line if you do really need the extra LCD keys offered by the Stream Deck XL then it’s a safe bet you will not regret purchasing it but if not then the original Stream Deck or even the Stream Deck Mini (for less demanding streamers) are equally great choices. That being said although we still think that Elgato has work to do to make their Stream Deck series equally useful to every consumer out there we can’t deny that the XL model is a must for very demanding streamers (why not even enthusiasts) and that’s why it gets our Golden Award.


- Good Build Quality
- 32 LCD Keys
- Standalone & Magnetic Stand Use
- Detachable USB 3.0 Type C Cable
- Plethora of Available Actions / Commands
- Easy to Use Drag & Drop Software System
- Custom Icons Support


- Price (For Some)
- Limited General Consumer Use (Improve Compared to Last Year)
- Web Based Custom Key Creator