01 - 06 - 2024
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As always for complete control over the keyboard you will need to download the Engine 3 software from the official SteelSeries page seen above.



steelseries apex pro review 20t

It's worth mentioning that once we plugged the keyboard the OLED display informed us of a firmware update via the Engine software.



Indeed, once we launched the Engine 3 software a firmware update was detected for the Apex Pro.



From the main tab you can program any of the keys with a variety of commands by just clicking on it.



The actuation tab allows you to control the actuation of all 61 OmniPoint keys (individual control is also possible) in single increments from 1 through 10.



Inside the illumination tab you can choose one of the 11 available effects, select single colors and adjust the effects for the reactive layer (visible once you press a key) and AFK (away from keyboard) options.



Just like with past keyboards you can also change the layout from the world map but this time over from the same tab you can upload your very own GIF onto the OLED display.



steelseries apex pro review 21t
From the above pictures you can see the minimum and maximum brightness levels of the keys and of course some of the available effects.