13 - 06 - 2024
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The 625g heavy plastic enclosure of the Calibur V2 TE measures just 330mm in length, 102mm in width and 38mm in height.




I was a bit surprised to see that the keyboard doesn't follow the floating keys design.



DREVO has placed a total of 6 RGB LEDs on each side of the enclosure (unfortunately their brightness levels can't be adjusted).



The Calibur V2 has dual OS support (Fn+TAB keys) so 1 through 12 can either be used as the F keys for Windows systems or as shortcuts for Mac systems.



You can change the effect for the side RGB LEDs via the insert key, the effect for the keys with the home key and the color of some effects via the end key (in combination with the Fn key always).



Both the brightness levels and speed of the effects can be adjusted from the arrow keys.



Here you can see the Cherry MX Red mechanical switches this sample came with.



At the front left we see the USB-C port for the detachable cable.



Four rubber feet are located at the base of the keyboard.



The end user can attach the magnetic feet on these.



The magnetic feet raise the top end of the keyboard roughly 13mm from the ground.



At the end of the 1.5 meter long cable we find a regular (not gold plated) USB-A plug.