01 - 06 - 2024
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goldtouch go gtp 0044w review b

   I can't say that i ever liked using a keyboard with my smartphones and tablets so i have to admit that most of the time i ended up testing the Go!2 Mobile Keyboard (almost one full month) was with my 2 bluetooth enabled PC desktop systems (not a MAC user either). Needless to say, the Go!2 Mobile Keyboard was used not only to type several reviews (this one included) but also to play quite a few games as well (not particularly fast passed ones however) including Death Stranding, Days Gone, Godfall and World of Warships. Starting with the ergonomic design of the Go!2 Mobile Keyboard i have to admit that it felt strange at first, perhaps because i haven't used an ergonomic keyboard for almost a decade. You do get used to it quite faster than expected really, as long as you decide on the end shape that fits your hands best. As expected however both the size of the Go!2 Mobile Keyboard and its low-profile scissor switches are far from ideal for long periods of typing and/or gaming. Still size and switches should produce the exact opposite results for people who want a compact keyboard they can carry around with them to use for small periods of time (much faster typing than on a touch screen). Now in regards to battery life things are very good since the maximum time i recorded during my tests was just over 100 hours. Again, this may not be on par with what's reported by the manufacturer but i never used the Go!2 Mobile Keyboard for just 4 hours per day (as stated in the specifications page) so that might had also something to do with that.

   As I type these lines the Go!2 Mobile Keyboard (GTP-0044W) by Goldtouch retails for USD101.99 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for around 160Euros inside the EU, a price which is very balanced, at least on the other side of the Atlantic. That being said at the end of the day it all comes down to what you want (you can find good regular RGB mechanical keyboards at that price point after all) so if that’s a compact wireless ergonomic keyboard then the Go!2 by Goldtouch is a very good place to start looking and for that it gets the Golden Award.


- Build Quality
- Compact Size
- 2 Piece Ergonomic Design
- Bluetooth Connectivity
- Battery Life (Up To 128 Hours)
- PC & MAC Compatible
- Foldable


- Not Ideal For Long Periods Of Use
- Price (EU)