01 - 06 - 2024
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As always you can download the latest version of the iCUE software from the official CORSAIR support page.



Once you install and launch the program it will check to see if there's a new firmware available and if there is one an updates button will appear on the lower left corner.



The entire procedure takes less than a minute to complete.



There are 4 different mouse pictures available on the main tab from where you can see the current RGB lighting color and mode.



Just like with previous mice by CORSAIR from the actions tab you can program all 10 buttons with actions, macros and software shortcuts.



Everything related to the 4-zone RGB lighting system is placed in the lighting effects tab so from here you can change colors and choose one of the available effects (13 available ones).



From the DPI tab you can assign a color for each of the 3 DPI presets (4 including the sniper one) and set the preferred DPI levels for each.



Inside the performance tab you can adjust the pointer precision and enable angle snapping.



The surface calibration tool ensures optimal performance on any surface.



This is the first time we've seen the smart tunable weight system by CORSAIR and as you can see not only does it detect the weights you add but it also displays the center of mass.



We do have to mention that the software failed to detect the weights accurately a couple of times which is why CORSAIR probably placed a manual input option here.



corsair nightsword rgb 19t
Here you can see some of the colors of the 4-zone RGB system (rainbow mode).