13 - 06 - 2024
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The Mensa Pro features special sweat-resistant textured coating at the top and as you can see it's a medium sized gaming mouse.



Two programmable buttons are located on the left side of the mouse.



The company logo is located at the rear of the mouse and is right over one of the 5 lighting zones (the logo is also one of the lighting zones).



The DPI selection button and its activity LED are both located at the top of the Mensa Pro.



Xanova didn’t use a specially designed pinkie grip with the Mensa Pro but the right side is surprisingly comfortable.



The rubberized clickable scroll wheel is also part of the 5 zone RGB system.



At the base of the
Mensa Pro we find 3 large PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) feet and the PMW3389 optical sensor.



A gold plated USB plug is located at the end of the 1.8 meter long braided cable.