01 - 06 - 2024
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The black matte body of the Prime Wireless may not look special but it offers an impressive claw grip.



As expected, 2 fully programmable buttons are placed on the left side.



SteelSeries has once again placed their logo at the rear (unfortunately it's not illuminated).



Unlike most gaming mice there's no DPI/Mode button at the top.



The rubber coated clickable scroll wheel is also the sole ARGB zone of the prime wireless and as for the USB-C port it's located right at the lower front.



Turning the mouse over we find 3 PTFE feet (SteelSeries says these are 100% virgin grade ones), TrueMove Air optical sensor, on/off switch and the DPI/Mode selection button.



Both the USB-C wireless dongle and the extension adapter are the size of small USB flash drives.